ArtScience Preview Exhibition 2016: Point of i

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The ArtScience Master and Bachelor graduates proudly present their Preview Exhibition, The Point of i, at Locatie Z, Helena van Doeverenplantsoen, Den Haag. The opening is on Friday 27 May 2016 at 18h. The exhibition is open on Fri 27 May (18h–00h)Sat 28 May (12h–22h) and Sun 29 May (12h–19h). Come and see works by Samiha AwadStefan BandalacManuel BeltránNatali BlugermanCecile GentiliMarcello GhilardiTatiana KolganovaIngrid LeeEve OmenKatarina PetrovićFalco PolsFlorencia ReznikPaula Salurand and Alexander Benjamin Vinther.