Look at this Mud

Look at this Mud Poster

Thursday, September 26, 12 ArtScience students will present their findings from a 4 -day field-research on the cyclical rhythm of the salt marsh landscape.

The students will show work and share their process during which they exposed themselves to the dynamic rhythm of this specific tidal landscape, sometimes for long periods of time.

Everyone is welcome at the Lage Noorden, Zeedijk 8 in Marrum from 19:30h to 21:30h

We hope to see you:
Robin Bolle, Grzegorz Gebski, Anna Lora, Jinglei Zhang, Ruben Dijkstal, Jendrik Eltman, Omer van Soldt, Sue Kim, Ossip Blits, Johan Hoeg, Anne Zarske, Jokubas Vaicekauskas, Ossip Blits and Cocky Eek.

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